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Open Access Research Publishing: Open Access Research Awards 2023

This is a guide to open access pubilshing in the heatlh services.

The Awards in 2023

The tenth HSE Open Access Research Awards were presented in Dr
Steevens’ Hospital on Friday 15th December 2023, by Dr Philip Crowley
(centre right, National Director, Strategy and Research).

Since their inauguration in 2014, the awards have become an important part of the health
research calendar – something reflected in the extremely high
standard of entries.

This year the awards also featured a presentation by Laura Rooney
Ferris, describing a new HSE Library project funded by the National Open
Research Forum (NORF), “Building a Culture of Open Research for
Health and Social Care Practitioner Researchers”.

The HSE Open Access Research Awards external judge, Professor Jonathan Drennan, spoke about the themes arising from
this year’s entries. He admitted that the high standard of entries had made it particularly difficult for the judges to choose a winner – though of course they eventually did.

Prizes were awarded across five categories, with a Special Innovation Award and an Overall Winner award.

HSE Library, Health Service Executive. Dr. Steevens' Library, Dr. Steevens' Hospital, Dublin 8. D08 W2A8 Tel: 01-6352555/8. Email:
