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HSE Library: ebooks: ClinicalKey

This guide will outline the various ebooks that HSE staff have access to and where to access them.


Suitable for: Doctors

N.B. Links given below to these ebooks are for HSE colleagues nationwide.

ClinicalKey is a medical search engine and database tool owned by the scientific publishing company Elsevier.

The ClinicalKey ebooks package is directed mainly at doctors. It features 1000+ acclaimed textbooks covering 40 medical specialties, including Gray’s Anatomy for StudentsPrinciples and Practice of Surgery and Medical Physiology (if logging in from outside of the HSE network, you will be prompted to sign in via your OpenAthens credentials).

To access ebooks from ClinicalKey, first go to the Clinical Key website. If accessing this tool from home, you will need to log in using your OpenAthens credentials. Look for the following part of the page and log in using the OpenAthens link:

Log in to ClinicalKey

You can register for an OpenAthens/Library account here.

When logged in, click on the "Books" link. Alternatively, the following link should bring you directly to the ClinicalKey ebooks page

From this page you have the option of typing in the book that you need in the "Filter List by Title" or else browsing by your specialty.

In the following screenshot, we have narrowed the ebooks available to just those concerned with surgery: 

Browse ebooks on Clinical Key


To open up an ebook, simply click on its title. 

Indicvidual book on ClinicalKey

Certain books allow PDF downloads of chapters. You may need to register an account with ClinicalKey to unlock this feature.

N.B. If accessing this tool from home, log in with your Library/OpenAthens credentials. You can register for this account here

ClinicalKey is also available as an app. First of all, you need to register to set up your personal account. Go to and register on the top right hand side. You will be sent a confirmation email with an activation link to click on. Now, simply download the app from your mobile app store and log in with your username and password to access all of its content.


HSE Library, Health Service Executive. Dr. Steevens' Library, Dr. Steevens' Hospital, Dublin 8. D08 W2A8 Tel: 01-6352555/8. Email:
