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Research Bulletins: Introduction

Health Library Ireland (HLI) Knowledge Support collates the latest published research on a range of topics. See latest bulletins and archive here.

About us

Research Bulletins are a quick and convenient way to access the latest research in your field, supporting your evidence based practice (EBP) and continuing professional development (CPD). Subscribe to one of the HLI research bulletins and you will receive your chosen Bulletin via email as they are published.

Sign up for Research Bulletins

Request to be added to the mailing list for the following research bulletins by completing this form

  • Big 4 - selection from the top four medical journals
  • Corporate
  • Library and Information Science
  • Medicines Management 
  • Midwifery
  • Quality Improvement
  • Sexual Assault Treatment Units  (SATU)

Corporate Research Bulletin

The Corporate Research Bulletin is issued quarterly and aimed at providing key literature on the topics identified in the current HSE Corporate Plan (2021-24). Sign up

Midwifery Reseach Bulletin

This Midwifery Bulletin provides featured articles from core midwifery journals. It is published quarterly. It features scholarly articles from recent journals as well as current events of interest to those working in the Midwifery area. The bulletin has been developed as a collaboration between the ONMSD National Lead for Midwifery and Health Library Ireland’s Knowledge Support Team. Sign up

Quality Improvement Research Bulletin

The Quality Improvement Bulletin is a monthly collection of the latest high quality evidence in the field of quality improvement and implementation science. The  featured articles focus on the application of these methods within the healthcare environment so are relevant to all staff within the HSE.

Sign up 

Big Four Medical Journal Research Bulletin

Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) Research Bulletin


The bi-monthly SATU (Sexual Assault Treatment Units) Research Bulletin includes current research on healthcare issues concerning sexual assault and forensic and emergency practice as it relates to victims of sexual violence. Sign up 

Medicines Management Research Bulletin

The quarterly Medicines Management Research Bulletin is for those working in the HSE with an interest in medication.
It features recent articles from the scholarly literature as well as news items from the following topics: pharmacovigilance, pharmacoeconomics, drug approvals, pharmaceutical industry, pharmacy practice, new drugs,  medicines use, clinical pharmacology and pharmaceutical science. Sign up

Health Promotion

The Health Promotion Research bulletin is a quarterly collection of recent evidence-based articles and policy/reports for those working in the field of health promotion. Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over the determinants of health and thereby improve their health and wellbeing. Health promotion aims to do this by building healthy public policy; creating supportive environments; strengthening community actions, developing personal skills and reorienting health services.

Sign up 

Library and Information Science Research Bulletin

Books on shelf

The quarterly Library and Information Science (LIS) Research Bulletin brings together healthcare library and information science research, education and best practice. This research bulletin has been compiled specifically to support the HLI library staff to keep up-to-date and will be published quarterly.  Sign up

Contact us

EmailContact our team if you'd like to give us your feedback or would like more information about our Research Bulletins.

Request an article

Most of the articles in the Research Bulletins are available via Health Library Ireland or Open Access. However occasionally you may need to request a featured articles from our Library service. Learn more using this Guide: Inter Library Loan Document Supply Service

Using QXMD to help you to keep up to date

Bulls eyeThe Library provides access to Read QxMD Article Alerting and Current Awareness AppLearn more about Read QxMD.

HSE Library, Health Service Executive. Dr. Steevens' Library, Dr. Steevens' Hospital, Dublin 8. D08 W2A8 Tel: 01-6352555/8. Email:
