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Inter Library Loan & Document Supply : Introduction

How to use the journal article request and Interlibrary Loan service

About the Request Articles / Inter Library Loan Service


Who can use the Inter Library Loan Service ? 

This service is available to all HSE staff at no charge. A charge incurs if the ILL material is lost or damaged. 

The service provides access to items not currently available through our library collections on request. Inter library loan requested items are for the purpose of research and study and will not be supplied provided for commercial use or purposes. 

Inter Library Loan Requests, Reduced Capacity June - September 

Please note that due to reduced capacity over the summer months article requests will take longer to process. Please keep this in mind when placing a request during this period.     


Contact the National Team

Information for other libraries

For non-HSE libraries, a collaborative agreement form is available.

Please email for further information. 



Profile Photo
Laura Rooney Ferris
Dr. Steevens Hospital
Steevens Lane
Dublin 8

National Inter Library Loan and Document Supply Team Members

HSE Library, Health Service Executive. Dr. Steevens' Library, Dr. Steevens' Hospital, Dublin 8. D08 W2A8 Tel: 01-6352555/8. Email:
