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Introduction to the HSE Library Resources and Services

HSE Library Introduction

What are Clinical Decision Making or Point of Care Tools?

Point of Care tools are searchable summaries of evidence or procedures that healthcare staff  can access quickly and easily to help them make evidence-informed decisions when they need them. They are updated regularly and synthesize all the best and latest evidence on clinical topics to aid with a diagnosis and treatment. 

BMJ Best Practice

BMJ Best Practice is openly available to anyone in Ireland, no login details required.

BMJ Best Practice features:
-Detailed overviews of over 1,000 conditions in 36 specialities
-Links to BNF drug information, medical guidelines and medical calculators
-Images and procedural videos
-Treatment algorithms and differential diagnosis information
-Educational information for patients


App set up:
1. Go to BMJ Best Practice
2. Create a personal account
3. Download the BMJ Best Practice App
4. Log in using your personal account details

Download a BMJ Best Practice personal account video


UpToDate is a point of care tool provided by Wolters Kluwer Health. It is an evidence-based, doctor-authored clinical decision support resource which clinicians trust to make the right decisions at the actual point-of-care. UpToDate provides topics covering 25 specialties.

App Set Up:

  1. On a PC connected to the HSE network logon to
  2. Create a personal account on UpToDate
  3. Download the UpToDate App
  4. Login using your personal account details. 
  5. You are required to login to your personal UpToDate account on a HSE networked device every 3 months to maintain your access. 




Clinical Key includes First Consult point of care information, collection of e-journals and e-books. To access this tool, go to the Clinical Key website, select 'First Consult' from the drop-down menu and then perform your search. 

This tool is also available as an app:

  • Register to set  your personal account. You will be sent a confirmation email with an activation link 
  • Download the app and log in with your username and password to access

App set up:

  1. Go to 
  2. Click ‘Login’ and look for ‘OpenAthens login’. Login with your OpenAthens username and password
  3. If your Hospital name appears in the top right of the screen instead of your own name, select ‘Activate’ to create your personal account
  4. Complete form - select 'Register' 
  5. Download the 'ClinicalKey App', selecting 'Global' and then 'ClinicalKey' from the menus
  6. Open the App, scroll down to ‘OpenAthens login’ and enter your OpenAthens username and password to log in

HSE Library, Health Service Executive. Dr. Steevens' Library, Dr. Steevens' Hospital, Dublin 8. D08 W2A8 Tel: 01-6352555/8. Email:
