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HSE Library: About Us

Overview of HSE Library's mission, vision, values and achievements

About HSE Library

HSE Library aims to provide an integrated and high quality national Library service to ensure that the best possible evidence underpins patient care, decision making, education and research in the health service.

Our vision is that:

“An integrated library service, providing instant access to quality health information, through a network of library experts, for the benefit of all.”

HSE Library works to achieve this vision by providing access to:

  • an extensive online library available to HSE, authorised users, S38s and other partners
  • well-resourced physical libraries throughout the country
  • the expertise of professional Librarian staff
  • core services, including an evidence request service, information skills training, research digests, a national central repository for Policies, Procedures, Protocols, Guidelines  and open access publishing.  

HLI Infographic 2023


Our work is user-centred and builds upon the needs, values and preferences of our customers, in alignment with our current strategy and the objectives and values of the Health Service Executive.

National Health Service Librarian

Profile Photo
Aoife Lawton
Headquarters of the National HSE Library
Dr. Steevens' Library
Dr. Steevens' Hospital
Dublin 8.
Website Skype Contact: aoifel6

HSE Library, Health Service Executive. Dr. Steevens' Library, Dr. Steevens' Hospital, Dublin 8. D08 W2A8 Tel: 01-6352555/8. Email:
