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Zotero: Final Steps

This page contains information on the reference management software Zotero

Final Steps

Final considerations:

Once you are happy that your reference list/bibliography is complete, please take a moment to ensure that the exact names of journals are included and that proper capitalisation has been applied. Very occasionally, Zotero will import metadata that is not exact. Below is an example where the journal’s name is not capitalised and includes unneeded extra information.


Need to change metadata


To fix this, open up Zotero and select the folder from which the reference was stored in and enter the author’s name as seen below.

Select the folder to edit


Click on the citation, this will open up the reference. Click on the field you wish to be updated and edit it accordingly:

Edit fields here


Edits you make will save automatically. Go back to your Word document and click on “Refresh” from the Zotero tab:

Click on Refresh


The document will then update to reflect your changes:

Updated document (Zotero)


Merging Citations
When working on a large project such as a systematic review where you are importing search results from a number of different databases, you may need to merge identical citations.

Open up the folder that you are working on and then use the Ctrl key to select the references that you need to be merged. Then right click and select “Merge Items”.

Merging citations

You will then see the following screen. Select which citation you wish to keep and then merge the items.

Select which citation to keep


Final step once referencing is complete:
When you have everything cited, at the very end of your essay, right before you are ready to submit click on “Unlink Citations” from the Zotero tab of Word. This will remove all of the code but keep all of your citations and reference list.

Final step once referencing is complete


Appendix 1: Adding a specific reference style
Zotero comes inbuilt with a number of referencing styles. However, the institution you are doing a course with or the journal you are submitting your paper to may have a specific style. In order to add other reference styles, open up Microsoft Word and click on the Zotero tab, then click on “Document Preferences”.

Appendix 1- Adding a specific reference style (Zotero)


From the next page, you can add another style by clicking on “Manage Styles”

How to add a different style


From this screen, click on “Get additional styles”

Get additional styles


From the next screen, enter the name of the style you need in the style search box as seen below. If that exact style is not listed, it is very likely that the same style will be available under a different name. To see how the citations would look using this style, hover your mouse over one of the styles:

Enter the name of the reference style needed


In this case, the Harvard style for Bournemouth University was deemed appropriate. When clicked on, this style will now be added to your list of possible styles.

The style is now added

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