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Zotero: Creating a Reference List

This page contains information on the reference management software Zotero

Creating a Reference List


Creating a reference list in Zotero:
At the end of your essay, you will need to add a reference list. A reference list is an alphabetical list of works cited, or works to which you have made reference in your essay. Once your 1st reference has been cited, it is recommended to add the reference list. That way, once you cite other sources, they will be automatically added to the reference list. Click on the Zotero tab in MS Word and then click on Add/Edit Bibliography:

Creating a reference list in Zotero

This will add the full citation at the end of the document.

Carry on writing your essay and keep citing. If you want to cite an author and you can’t remember their name, click on Add/Edit citation as before and now, instead of typing in their name, click on the ‘Z’ icon and click on Classic View.

Classic view in Zotero

Go to the folder you want and click on the article you want referenced and click “Ok”:

Add or Edit citation using classic view in Zotero

You will see then that the second author has been cited and it is now added to your bibliography.

Adding bibliography terms not cited in reference list:

A Bibliography lists all of the material you have consulted in preparing your essay whether or not you have actually referred to and cited the work. To add extra references not cited in your essay already, follow the instructions below.

Click on the Zotero tab in MS Word and then click on Add/Edit Bibliography:

Adding bibliography terms not added earlier

This will open up Zotero. Then select the folder from which you want to add the extra items. Select the references you want added and use the green arrow to bring them into the bibliography and then hit the “OK” button.

Edit bibliography

The extra items will now be added to your bibliography.

Secondary citations:
For secondary citations, they should both be referenced as such so both will appear in the reference list: (Lien 2011 cited in Evans et al. 2014).

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