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Cancer Care: Patient Information

This guide includes tools and resources on the topic of cancer care.

HSE Library Resources with Patient Information

The following HSE point of care products contain patient information. You can also search for publication type 'patient information' or 'patient education' in research databases. Contact your local hse library for assistance.

Recommended Reading from Cancer Research UK

Includes books, booklets and useful websites about cancer, treatment and coping

Resources for Oncology Patients during COVID-19

PDQ Summaries

The PDQ cancer information summaries are comprehensive, evidence-based summaries on topics that cover adult and pediatric cancer treatment, supportive and palliative care, screening, prevention, genetics, and integrative, alternative, and complementary therapies. Most of the summaries are available in two different formats:

  • Health Professional versions provide detailed information written in technical language and are fully referenced with links to PubMed abstracts.
  • Patient versions are written in lay language and include links to the NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms. Many patient summaries also include illustrations.

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