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Keeping up to date: Podcasts

HLI current awareness service


HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast

Interviews and insights on the work underway by HSE Health and Wellbeing and their partners to deliver on the Healthy Ireland ambition of supporting, protecting and empowering individuals, families and their communities to achieve their full health potential. 

Irish Medical Lives Podcasts

The series presented by emergency physician and Irish Medical Times columnist Dr Chris Luke series features conversations with Irish doctors about their careers, specialties and opinions on Irish medicine in the 21st century.

Irish Medical Matters Podcasts

A series of clinical, educational podcasts from the Irish Medical Times.

RCSI - Beyond the Theatre Podcasts

Focuses on topics that impact surgeons in practice and training. This surgical podcast covers a range of topics designed to reflect the complexity that surgeons experience as they navigate today’s surgical environment.

RCSI Safe and Sound Podcast

Explores the world of human factors in healthcare and patient safety.

RCSI Professionalism Matters Podcast

Expert guests on the doctor/patient relationship and the latest themes in ethics, research, education and clinical practice. Hosted by Professor Denis Harkin.

The Medical Independent - Innovation in Healthcare

Explores the advances that are transforming Irish healthcare and the innovative minds behind them. Guests are leading figures in the Irish and international healthcare community who are revolutionising the way patients are getting treated.

Royal College of Physicans - RCP Medicine Podcast

Episodes discuss and explore different topics including real-life clinical cases, new evidence-based guidelines and specific physician issues in the modern healthcare environment.

Podcasts from the Cochrane Library

Cochrane podcasts deliver the latest Cochrane evidence in an easy to access audio format, allowing you to stay up to date on newly published reviews wherever you are.

The Lancet Voice

Fortnightly podcast from the Lancet family of journals. Lancet editors and their guests unravel the stories behind the best global health, policy and clinical research of the day.

NEJM Podcasts

-Intention to Treat - Incisive analysis of critical and timely issues in medicine and health care
-NEJM Weekly Audio Summaries

JAMA Network Podcasts

Choose from a variety of podcasts, including the JAMA Editors’ Summary, Author Interviews, Clinical Reviews, and others related to biomedical research, clinical practice, patient care, public health, and more.

BMJ Podcasts

Up to date interviews and debate with opinion leaders in health and medicine.

HSE Library, Health Service Executive. Dr. Steevens' Library, Dr. Steevens' Hospital, Dublin 8. D08 W2A8 Tel: 01-6352555/8. Email:
