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Apps, and Browser Extensions: Introduction

Information on Apps, Plugins and Browser Extensions that are available for eHealth Library Ireland eResouces or support learning and research.

About Apps, Plugins and Extensions


App Extension

App is short for Application. 

It is a piece of software that you can download to your device that will allow access to particular eresources, or functions.                                    

Extensions are a piece of code that you can add to your browser. These are usually from a 3rd party, and augment or extend the functionality of the browser. 


Selection Criteria

The following criteria were used when selecting the Apps and Extensions added to this page:

1. Is it available on the Apple Store or Play Store

2. Ease of use

3. Clear information and actionable steps

4. For an online resource on the eLibrary A to Z lists 

How to use the lists

Log into the Apple Store or Play Store. 

On this page click on the App or Extension you want. 

You will see some additional information and the image at the bottom will link you out to the download page for your selection. 


Downloading the app is quick and easy and it takes up minimal storage on your device. Having the app will provide you with:

  • Offline access to over 1,000 conditions
  • Fast navigation through an intuitive interface and search function
  • More than 250 interactive medical calculators
  • A browse bar for quick access to Important Updates, specialties and more
  • Topics broken down into clear sections including prevention, diagnosis and management
  • Procedural videos and images included for relevant conditions
  • Automatic tracking of your activity for CME/CPD purposes
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The BMJ app brings you the latest weekly issue including:

  • Offline access: handy for planes, trains and automobiles, or wherever there’s no wi-fi
  • Selected news articles and columnists
  • Education articles, CME points
  • Research articles and reviews
  • Search through downloaded issues
  • Video content embedded
  • Free to BMA members and personal subscribers
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The BorrowBox app makes it easy to browse, borrow and listen to your library’s eAudiobooks and eBooks anywhere, everywhere. If BorrowBox is available through your local library you can simply login with your member details to access the library’s collection of eAudiobooks and eBooks.

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ClinicalKey is a clinical search engine from Elsevier, a world-leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and services. When every second counts, ClinicalKey knows what clinicians need: fast answers built on trusted evidence. ClinicalKey helps clinicians rapidly access evidence-based, peer reviewed information to improve speed to accurate diagnosis and treatment, with the goal of improving patient outcomes and lowering the high cost of care. Its features have been designed utilizing extensive research on the search behaviors and content preferences of doctors. ClinicalKey App Features:

  • Persistent login
  • Intuitive search with auto-suggest
  • Ability to bookmark and save items
  • Access to full-text books, full-text journals, guidelines, multimedia and more

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  • Make progress on your research anytime, anywhere with EBSCO’s mobile app!
  • Find and connect to your library, then simply search, choose, and use your library’s content. Continue your research projects even when you’re away from your desk thanks to syncing across desktop and mobile devices. Download and read EBSCO eBooks directly within the app.
  • Designed to provide library users with an easy way to access library resources, the EBSCO app makes scholarly research more convenient.
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Browse and download books from NCBI OverDrive, Bookshare & Project Gutenberg

Compatible with Bookshare organisational accounts

Play human narrated books or ‘read aloud’ text only books

Perfectly synchronised text and audio

Import content from other sources - web, cloud, email or those already on your device

Choose colours, text size and highlights

Add bookmarks with written or audio notes for future reference.

Copy text from anywhere on your phone and listen to EasyReader announce it Fully compatible with iOS VoiceOver, Android TalkBack & Voice Assistant

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The free Prime app connects you to the most up-to-date journal citations and abstracts from the complete PubMed database. In addition to the ability to perform powerful searches and link to the publisher’s full text articles, Prime also provides a number of exclusive tools not available anywhere else creating a one-of-a-kind user experience.


  • Search: Perform evidence-based searches by keyword, author, or journal then link to full text articles.
  • Organize: Bookmark and Tag important articles and searches to quickly return to them later
  • Share: Share articles directly from the app via Email, Twitter, Facebook, SMS, Dropbox, and more


  • Grapherence®: Unbound’s unique search option allows you to visually explore the influence and interrelationships among journal articles
  • For You: Discover new articles in a feed designed specifically for you based on how you use the app
  • Browse: Select specific journals you want to follow and receive alerts when new articles are published
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'Read by QxMD' provides a single place to keep up with new medical & scientific research, read outstanding topic reviews and search PubMed. Read's simple interface drives discovery and seamless access to the medical literature by reformatting it into a personalized digital journal. Features:

  • Get full text PDFs with one tap
  • Keep up with the latest new research that will impact your practice
  • Designed to provide library users with an easy way to access library resources, the EBSCO app makes scholarly research more convenient
  • Browse through 1000s of outstanding topic reviews
  • Search millions of articles from PubMed and our database of outstanding topic reviews
  • Read your favorite journals or browse article collections
  • Access full text through your university/institutional subscription or via open access publishers
  • Share articles with colleagues over email, Twitter and Facebook
  • Organize and review your personal collection of articles
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Researcher is where you discover and discuss the latest scientific, scholarly and academic research.

The only tool you need to stay up to date. With keyword and author feeds, notifications, trending papers, bookmarks, institutional access and syncing with Mendeley or Zotero, staying on top of the latest scholarly literature has never been easier.

Keep up-to-date with scientific and academic content from over 20,000 sources, including:

  • Peer-reviewed journals
  • Preprints
  • Scientific blogs
  • Universities blogs and news
  • Leading life sciences and technology companies
  • Podcasts
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UpToDate is the leading clinical decision support resource with evidence-based clinical information – including drug topics and recommendations that clinicians rely on at the point of care. UpToDate App for iOS Features:

  • Persistent login
  • Easy search with auto-completion
  • Earn and track free CME/CE/CPD credit
  • Bookmarks and history
  • Mobile-optimized medical calculators
  • Print and email topics or graphics to patients and colleagues
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Important Research at Your Fingertips

The Wiley Online Library app lets you keep up to date with the most important developments in your field, wherever and whenever you want.

Browse close to 1500 journals published by Wiley:

  1. select favorite journal(s) to customize your view
  2. download full issues and/or any # of articles
  3. download PDFs
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Chrome Browser Extensions

One-click access to free copies of research papers whenever you hit the paywall.

CORE Discovery helps users to discover freely accessible copies of research papers. It is backed by CORE's ( huge dataset of millions of full text open access papers as well as content from widely used external services beyond CORE. Discovery reduces the time it takes to access full texts of research papers and the frustration associated with hitting a paywall on the publisher's site. With CORE Discovery, you can be confident to benefit from the highest coverage of freely available copies of articles anywhere on the planet. So try it, it's free.

The official EndNote browser extension.


  • Fast, one-click access to millions of research papers.
  • Access millions of research paper PDFs in one click on Web of Science, Meta, PubMed, arXiv, Scopus and thousands more academic websites. Save time navigating paywalls, logins and redirects.
  • EndNote Click helps you get to your full-text PDFs faster by securely connecting you to your library’s journal subscriptions and open access content.
  • Once you have the PDF, you can easily export it to your favourite reference management tool or download it to your desktop. EndNote Click integrates with Mendeley, EndNote, Dropbox and Zotero.
  • Get started in two minutes and find out why researchers at thousands of universities are already using EndNote Click.
  • Try it for yourself.
  • Please check with your librarian or IT department for recommendations regarding the use of browser plugins.


Lookup scholarly articles as you browse the web.

This extension adds a browser button for easy access to Google Scholar from any web page. Click the Scholar button to:

  • Find full text on the web or in eHealth library Ireland. Select the title of the paper on the page you're reading, and click the Scholar button to find it.
  • Transfer your query from web search to Scholar. Press the Scholar button to see top three results; click "full screen" at the bottom of the popup to see them all.
  • Format references in widely used citation styles. Press the quote button below the result to see a formatted reference and copy it into the paper you're writing.
  • Save the article to your Scholar library, so you can read it or cite it later. Press the blue star below the result to save it, or the gray star at the bottom to see all saved articles. Library links work best when you're already logged in to your account. To configure them, visit Google Scholar Settings (you may need to login with your library password)


Grammarly for Chrome provides real-time writing suggestions on Gmail, Google Docs, Twitter, LinkedIn, and everywhere else you write online.

Improve your writing with Grammarly's communication assistance—including spell check, grammar check, punctuation check, and more.

Mendeley is a reference manager software developed by Elsevier.

It is used to manage and share research papers and generate bibliographies for scholarly articles. The Mendeley Web Importer allows fast, convenient import of references and PDFs to your Mendeley Reference Manager library. When viewing an article or a list of references in the browser, click the Mendeley Web Importer icon in the toolbar. The extension will analyse the page and retrieve metadata like title, authors, etc. and PDF full texts (where available) for you to add to your Mendeley library.

The online journal club.

PubPeer is a website that allows users to discuss and review scientific research after publication, i.e. post-publication peer review. PubPeer enables scientists to search for their publications or their peers' publications and provide feedback and/or start a conversation anonymously. This plugin indicates PubPeer comments wherever they appear. A lightweight plugin to install and forget about. You will only notice that the plugin exists when it alerts you that an article has comments on PubPeer.

Scite allows users to see how a publication has been cited, providing the citation context and classification.

Scite is a platform that helps researchers better discover and evaluate scientific articles through Smart Citations – citations that display the context of the citation and describe whether the article provides supporting or contrasting evidence.

Legally get full text of scholarly articles as you browse.

Get full text of scholarly articles as you browse. When you view a research article, Unpaywall automatically looks for a copy in our index of 20 million free, legal fulltext PDFs. If we find one, click the green tab to read the article. Unpaywall points you to legal, author-posted manuscripts that are hosted on university and government web servers. We are pointing to versions that have been posted with the full and explicit authorization of the publishers themselves.These free, author-posted manuscripts are often called "Green Open Access" and are a longstanding and completely legal part of the scholarly communications ecosystem. The majority of scholarly journals permit authors to "self-archive" their papers on university and government web servers. It's these legally self-archived papers that Unpaywall helps users find. Any papers posted outside of publisher permissions are NOT included in our index.

Save references to Zotero from your web browser.

Zotero is a free, easy-to-use, open-source tool to help you collect, organize, annotate, cite, and share research. The Zotero Connector automatically senses content as you browse the web and allows you to save items to Zotero with a single click. If a PDF is available, the Connector can save it to your library to read later, and it can even save snapshots of webpages in case they change or disappear. Whether you're searching for a preprint on, a journal article from JSTOR, a news story from the New York Times, or a book from the HLI library catalog, Zotero has you covered with support for thousands of sites. Additionally, if you use a web-based proxy to access resources your institution subscribes to, the Zotero Connector can automatically redirect you through OpenAthens when you follow links to those sites from elsewhere on the web, making sure that you always have access to PDFs and other gated content. While the Connector can save most pages directly to your account, for the full Zotero experience be sure to install the Zotero desktop app, which allows you to organize your references efficiently, insert citations automatically into Word, LibreOffice, and Google Docs, and much more. You can download Zotero for free

HSE Library, Health Service Executive. Dr. Steevens' Library, Dr. Steevens' Hospital, Dublin 8. D08 W2A8 Tel: 01-6352555/8. Email:
