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Covid-19 HSE Clinical Guidance and Evidence

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Mindful Movement - Stretching The Neck

Involves: Sitting down and stretching neck

Time it takes: Approx. 2 minutes and 20 seconds

Audience:  Busy colleagues who are spending a lot of time at a desk or feeling tension in neck

Preparation: Practice reading the exercise once or twice through

What people say about this exercise: colleagues enjoyed it

This is a mindful movement practice. Since many of us are spending a lot of time at our desks recently it can be really nice to move around and stretch out our body. During this practice listen to your body and respect its limitations.

  1. When you’re ready sit up straight in your chair with your feet firmly planted on the floor.
  2. Looking straight ahead imagine that there is a silken thread running up the back of your spine, through your neck and out the top of your head, which is being pulled gently so that the crown of your head rises up towards the sky.
  3. Breath in and as you begin to breath out turn your head very slowly to the right
  4. Coming back to the centre while breathing in
  5. And then as you are breathing out, turning your head slowly to the left
  6. Breathing in come back to the centre
  7. Repeat this once more
  8. Take your attention to your right ear, then bend your head to right the right bring your ear towards your shoulder. There is no expectation that the ear will reach the shoulder.
  9. Feel the stretch down the opposite side of the neck, then come back to the centre
  10. And repeat on the left side bringing your left ear slowly towards your shoulder
  11. Bring your head back to the centre and gently move your chin towards your chest. Try not to move your shoulders. Without straining your neck notice any contractions.
  12.  Take a few breaths here before bringing your head back up to the centre…noticing that silken thread straighten your posture
  13. When you’re ready take one final deep breath in and out

HSE Library, Health Service Executive. Dr. Steevens' Library, Dr. Steevens' Hospital, Dublin 8. D08 W2A8 Tel: 01-6352555/8. Email:
